Light of Motiram: Best Planting Strategies for Cooking


Complete Guide to Planting in Light of Motiram: Strategies, Seeds, and More

Planting is a key mechanic in Light of Motiram, especially for those focusing on cooking. As we progress in the game, ingredients become essential, and managing a well-organized farm saves time and resources.

In addition to gathering materials in the world, we can grow our own food, allowing us to focus on other activities. This guide explores how to obtain seeds, plant correctly, and optimize production.

Harvesting in Light of Motiram

How to get seeds in Light of Motiram

Seeds are essential for farming and can be obtained in different ways throughout the game.

Exploration and gathering

The most common way to obtain seeds is by exploring and gathering vegetables and fruits. When we collect a crop, we also receive its corresponding seed. For example, harvesting carrots provides carrot seeds.

To make this process easier, the game’s map highlights the nearest collection areas, helping us locate resources efficiently.

Purchasing from the island Kuram shop

To save time, we can buy seeds directly from the shop on Kuram Island. This option is ideal when we need to start planting quickly without searching for materials in the world.

Seed recovery after harvesting

Each time we harvest crops, there is a chance to recover some seeds. This allows us to replant without constantly needing to gather or buy new seeds.

Clearing the land for planting Light of Motiram
Clearing the land for planting

How to plant correctly in Light of Motiram

To start planting in Light of Motiram, we need to enter construction mode and follow different steps depending on the type of crop.

Planting trees

Planting trees is simple. We just no need to clear the land and place them directly into the soil without any extra steps. Maintaining the proper distance between trees is crucial.

Planting crops

For crops, the process is slightly more detailed:

  1. Soil preparation: First, we need to clear the area where we plan to farm. We do this by selecting the cultivate function in the menu.
  2. Selecting seeds: Next, we choose the seeds we want to plant from the farming menu.
  3. Placing the plants: We place the seeds in the prepared area, ensuring proper spacing between each plant. The game provides visual cues: if the plant appears green, we can plant it; if it appears red, we need to adjust its position.
  4. Growth and harvesting: Once planted, we simply wait for the crops to grow naturally until they reach maturity. At that point, we can harvest them and possibly recover some seeds for replanting.
Planting Light of Motiram

Maximize your progress with proper planning

Planting in Light of Motiram is an essential mechanic for those looking to advance in cooking and other aspects of the game. By efficiently managing seeds, organizing space, and using smart strategies, we can ensure a constant supply of ingredients without relying solely on gathering. Remember that you can pre-register on the official website.

Disclaimer: The information presented herein is based on a beta version of the game, currently under development. As such, all names and gameplay mechanics are subject to change or removal in the final product. This article will be updated following the official game release.

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